List of publications 

by Fabian den Brave (né Anton)


  • Pfanner, N., den Brave, F. and Becker, T. (2025) Mitochondrial protein import stress. Nat Cell Biol. 27, 188-201.
  • den Brave, F., Mishra, S. and Becker, T. (2025) Mitochondrial heterogeneity: subpopulations with distinct metabolic activities. Sig Transduct Target Ther. 10, 36.


  • Busto, J.V., Ganesan, I., Mathar, H., Steiert, C., Schneider, E.F., Straub, S.P., Ellenrieder, L., Song, J., Stiller, S.B., Lübbert, P., Chatterjee, R., Elsaesser J., Melchionda L., Schug, C., den Brave, F., Schulte, U., Klecker, T., Kraft, C., Fakler, B., Becker, T. and Wiedemann, N. (2024) Role of the small protein Mco6 in the mitochondrial sorting and assembly machinery. Cell Rep. 43, 113805.
  • den Brave, F., Pfanner, N. and Becker T. (2024) Mitochondrial entry gate as regulatory hub. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1871, 119529.
  • den Brave, F., Schulte, U., Fakler, B., Pfanner, N. and Becker, T. (2024) Mitochondrial complexome and import network. Trends Cell Biol. doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2023.10.004
  • Bhowmik, R., den Brave, F. and Becker, T. (2024) Modular assembly of mitochondrial b-barrel proteins. Chapter in transmembrane-barrel proteins: methods and protocols: Methods Mol. Biol. 2778, 201-220.
  • Borgert, L., Becker, T. and den Brave, F. (2024) Conserved quality control mechanisms of mitochondrial protein import. J. Inherit. Metab. Dis. doi:10.1002/jimd.12756.
  • Calvo Santos, L., and den Brave, F. (2024) Analysis of quality control pathways for the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane. Methods Enzym. in press.
  • Mogk, A., den Brave, F. (2024) Fine-tuning stress responses by auxiliary feedback loops that sense damage repair. J Cell Biol. 223, e202410205.


  • Schulte, U.; den Brave, F., Haupt, A., Gupta, A., Song, J., Müller, C.S., Engelke, J., Mishra, S., Mårtensson, C., Ellenrieder, L., Priesnitz, C., Straub, S.P., Doan, K.N., Kulawiak, B., Bildl, W., Rampelt, H., Wiedemann, N., Pfanner, N., Fakler, B. and Becker, T. Mitochondrial complexome reveals quality control pathways of protein import (2023). Nature 614, 153-159
  • den Brave, F., Schulte, U., Fakler, B., Pfanner, N. and Becker, T. (2023) Mitochondrial complexome and import network. Trends Cell Biol. doi:10.1016/j.tcb.2023.10.004
  • den Brave, F., Pfanner, N. and Becker T. (2023) Mitochondrial entry gate as regulatory hub. Biochim. Biophys. Acta doi:10.1016/j.bbamcr.2023.119529.
  • Rödl, S., den Brave, F., Räschle, M., Kizmaz, B., Lenhard, S., Groh, C., Becker, H., Zimmermann, J., Morgan, B., Richling, E., Becker, T. and Herrmann, J.M. (2023) The metabolite-controlled ubiquitin conjugase Ubc8 promotes mitochondrial protein import. Life Sci. Alliance 6, e202201526
  • Mishra, S., den Brave, F. and Becker, T. (2023). TCA cycle deficiency in multiple sclerosis. Nat. Metab. doi:10.1038/s42255-023-00840-9.


  • Li, X., Straub, J., Medeiros, T.C., Mehra, C., den Brave, F., Peker, E., Atanassov, I., Stillger, K., Michaelis, J.B., Burbridge, E., Adrain, C., Münch, C., Riemer, J., Becker, T. and Pernas, L.F. (2022) Mitochondria shed their outer membrane in response to infection-induced stress. Science 375, eabi4343
  • Borgert, L., Mishra, S. And den Brave, F. (2022) Quality control of cytoplasmatic poteins inside the nucleus. Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J.


  • Capella, M., Mandemaker, I.K., Martin Caballero, L., den Brave, F., Pfander, B., Ladurner, A.G., Jentsch, S. and Braun, S. (2021) Nucleolar release of rDNA repeats for repair involves SUMO-1 mediated untethering by the Cdc48/p97 segregase. Nature Communications
  • den Brave, F., Engelke, J. and Becker, T. (2021) Quality control of protein import into mitochondria. Biochem. J. 478, 3125-3143
  • den Brave, F., Gupta, A. and Becker, T. (2021) Protein quality control at the mitochondrial surface. Front. Cell Dev. 9, 795685
  • Franz, A., Valledor, P., Ubieto-Capella, P., Pilger, D., Galarreta, V.L., Fernández-Llorente, A., de la Vega-Barranco, G., den Brave, F., Hoppe, T., Fernandez-Capetillo, O. and Lecona, E. (2021). USP7 and VCPFAF1 define the SUMO/Ubiquitin landscape at the DNA replication fork. Cell Rep. 37 (2), 109819


  • den Brave, F. and Becker, T. (2020) Supercomplex formation boosts respiration. EMBO Rep
  • den Brave, F.*, Cairo L., Jagadeesan C., Ruger-Herreros, C., Mogk, A., Bukau, B. and Jentsch, S. (2020) Chaperone-mediated protein disaggregation triggers proteolytic clearance of intra-nuclear protein inclusion. Cell Reports, * corresponding author
  • Ravanelli, S.#, den Brave, F.# and Hoppe, T. (2020) Mitochondrial Quality Control Governed by Ubiquitin. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. # equal contribution
  • Schuster, R., Anton, V., Simões, T., Altin, S., den Brave, F., Hermanns, T., Hospenthal, M., Komander, D., Dittmar, G., Dohmen, R.J. and Escobar-Henriques, M. (2020) Dual role of a GTPase conformational switch for membrane fusion by mitofusin ubiquitylation. Life Science Alliance 


  • Escobar-Henriques, M., Altin, S. and den Brave, F. (2019) Interplay between the ubiquitin proteasome system and mitochondria for protein homeostasis. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol.
  • Schuster, R., Simoes, T., den Brave, F. and Escobar-Henriques, M (2019) Separation and visualization of low abundant ubiquitylated forms. Bio-Protocol</strong


  • Simoes, T., Schuster, R., den Brave, F. and Escobar-Henriques, M. (2018). Cdc48 regulates a deubiquitylase cascade critical for mitochondrial fusion. eLife
  • Paasch, F., den Brave, F.*, Psakhye I., Pfander B.* and Jentsch, S. (2018). Failed mitochondrial import and impaired proteostasis trigger SUMOylation of mitochondrial proteins. J. Biological Chemistry, * corresponding author 


  • Lu, K.*, den Brave, F.*, and Jentsch, S. (2017). Pathway choice between proteasomal and autophagic degradation. Autophagy, * corresponding author
  • Lu, K.*, den Brave, F.*, and Jentsch, S. (2017). Receptor Oligomerization guides pathway choice between proteasomal and autophagic degradation. Nature Cell Biology, * corresponding author


  • Anton, F., Dittmar, G., Langer, T., and Escobar-Henriques, M. (2013). Two Deubiquitylases Act on Mitofusin and Regulate Mitochondrial Fusion along Independent Pathways. Molecular Cell
  • Escobar-Henriques, M., and Anton, F. (2013). Mechanistic perspective of mitochondrial fusion: Tubulation vs. fragmentation. Biochim Biophys Act


  • Anton, F., Fres, J.M., Schauss, A., Pinson, B., Praefcke, G.J., Langer, T., and Escobar-Henriques, M. (2011). Ugo1 and Mdm30 act sequentially during Fzo1-mediated mitochondrial outer membrane fusion. J. Cell Science

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AG den Brave

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